The Portable Pastor Podcast
Applying ancient Biblical truth to today's challenges and discovering that God is pro-you in the process!
181 episodes
The Big Entrance
The Big EntranceMark 11:1-10Points of the passage:1. Jesus saw everything before arriving. (1-3)He saw what was unseeable.He heard what was unspoken.He knew the human mind....

Worship Committedly
Worship CommittedlyJoshua 24:14-18 Points:The Israelites were given blessings. (1-13)The Israelites were given a command. (14)The Israelites were given a choice. (15)

Worship Creatively
Worship Creatively2 Samuel 6:16-21 Points:David did something huge to honor God.David danced and was despised.David worshipped and was generous.David tended to his f...

Worship Consistently
Worship ConsistentlyDaniel 6:10-28 Points of the story: Daniel broke the law.Daniel prayed consistently.The ungodly king wanted to help Daniel.Daniel’s fate was...

Worship Courageously
Worship Courageously2 Chronicles 20:14-30Notice this about these Israelites. They were going into battle and fearful of certain defeat. They were to fight for what God wanted.

The Vision
This message, although gleanable by everyone, is specifically for FBCCLOVER. It contains the vision for the future of this local church. God is doing something remarkable in Clover, and we get to be a part of it. Pray and consider your part in ...

Generous with Your Treasures
Generous with Your Treasures2 Cor. 9 Paul's 13 Financial Generosity Teaching PointsThe passion for financial generosity is already in you. (1-2)Sometimes, a reminder to be financially generous ...

Generous With Your Talents
Generous with Your TalentsMatthew 25:14-30Two TruthsAll the resources at our disposal belong to God.We were made to contribute to the Kingdom. Six things about being gener...

Generous with Your Time
Generous with Your TimeLuke 10:25–37How God looks at time?God created it. - Genesis 1:4-5.Our time is limited. - Job 14:1,5-6.

Must-Have Decoration: Love
Must-Have Decoration: LoveColossians 3:1-14Why is love the most important decoration for your life?Love is from God.Love is proof of salvation.Without love, you cannot know God.God...

Must-Have Christmas Decoration - Joy
Must-Have Decorations: JoyJohn 15:11 Important Questions concerning this passage:What is joy?How can the joy of Jesus be in me? Can my joy run out?How can I keep focus o...

Must-Have Decorations: Hope
Must-Have Decorations: HopeRomans 15:13Important Phrases:“God of Hope”“Fill you”“In Believing”“Power of the Holy Spirit”“Abound in hope” Hope impacts ...

Keep Your Holidays Holy
Keep Your Holidays HolyRomans 1:18-23 Applicable Points:God is real. His creation proves it. God's wrath is real. Truth suppressors are in danger of it. God deserves gratitud...

Some Things Never Change
Some Things Never ChangeMatthew 24 Points:We don't know when this will end.Most people and most societies will be the same until that happens.Only those who are "in" will be saved.&nbs...

Babel, Israel, and Beyond
Babel, Israel, and BeyondGenesis 11Points:God gave people commands. People were stubborn and rebelled against God's commands.God forced His will on people. God had a uniq...

The Descendants of Noah
The Descendants of NoahGen. 9:18-10:32Points:Noah was saved and went back to working the ground.Noah eventually sinned.Ham dishonored his dad.Sem and Japheth honored their dad.

The First Post-Flood Covenant
The First Post-Flood CovenantGen. 9:8-9:17Let's first examine:The Covenant (8-11)The Sign of the Covenant (12-17) What are the three types of covenants?Covenant ...

The First Salvation
The First SalvationGen. 6:9-7:5The Requirement of Salvation1. Noah was not sinless, but he wanted to be close to God. The Need for Salvation2. God was d...

The First Generations
The First GenerationsGen. 5:1-6:12Let’s break this down verse by verse.Man began to multiply (1)Sons of God (2)Took as their wives human females (2)Days shall be 120 years (3)...

Four More Firsts
Four More Firsts:The First Birth, Worship, Murder, and CousinsGenesis 4What did we learn today?God made a way for new humans to be born outside the garden. God instituted worship.G...

The First Marriage, Sin, and Punishment
The First Marriage, Sin and PunishmentGenesis 2:15-3:24Summary of today’s learning:God instituted marriage.Adam and Eve sinned, changing everything but human purpose.God punished them accor...

The First Humans
The First HumansGenesis 1:24-2:25The summary:God made and owns everything.God made everything with intentionality and in order.God made humans differently than the rest of creation.

The First Days
The First DaysGenesis 1-2:3Before the First Days - Verses 1-2Day 1 – Verses 3-5Day 2 – Verses 6-8Day 3 – Verses 9-13Day 4 – Verses 14-19Day 5 – Verses 20-23&nbs...