The Portable Pastor Podcast

The Big Entrance

Mike Stafford

The Big Entrance

Mark 11:1-10

Points of the passage:

1. Jesus saw everything before arriving. (1-3)

  • He saw what was unseeable.
  • He heard what was unspoken.
  • He knew the human mind.

2. The situation confirmed the divinity of Jesus before He arrived. (4-6)

  • The colt was there.
  • The disciples obeyed.
  • The strangers consented.

3. Jesus was honored as He arrived. (7-8)

  • The disciples sacrificed for Jesus.
  • They guarded His presentation.

4. Jesus was praised at His arrival. (9-10) 

  • He was anticipated.
  • He was surrounded.
  • He was celebrated.

 Our application: Jesus is coming again and:

  1. He knows what is going on with you. 
  2. Your life is an affirmation that He is the real deal.
  3. You will honor Him before He shows up.
  4. Jesus will again be worshipped on the earth. 

The Main Point: Jesus came into Jerusalem and was respected for a few days. When he walks into the new Jerusalem, He will be worshipped forever.