The Portable Pastor Podcast
Applying ancient Biblical truth to today's challenges and discovering that God is pro-you in the process!
The Portable Pastor Podcast
Palm Sunday 2024
Mike Stafford
The Eating, the Examinations, and the Exit
Luke 22:14-20, 66-71; 23:44-53
The Eating
- Jesus was looking forward to this Passover meal. (15)
- Jesus would not eat it again until the millennial kingdom. (16)
- Jesus would not drink again until they would be reunited. (18)
- Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper. (19-20)
The Examination
- The Pharisees were fishing for an excuse to kill Jesus. (66-67a)
- Jesus gave a leading answer. (67b-69)
- The Pharisees jumped to a conclusion. (70a)
- Jesus told them what they wanted to hear. (70b-71)
The Exit
- Unexplainable things happened right before Jesus died. (44-46)
- Some disciples noticed that other onlookers had a change of heart. (47-49)
- A Pharisee buried Jesus. (50-53)