The Portable Pastor Podcast

Palm Sunday 2024

March 24, 2024 Mike Stafford

The Eating, the Examinations, and the Exit
Luke 22:14-20, 66-71; 23:44-53

 The Eating

  1. Jesus was looking forward to this Passover meal. (15)
  2. Jesus would not eat it again until the millennial kingdom. (16)
  3. Jesus would not drink again until they would be reunited. (18)
  4. Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper. (19-20)

 The Examination

  1. The Pharisees were fishing for an excuse to kill Jesus. (66-67a)
  2. Jesus gave a leading answer. (67b-69)
  3. The Pharisees jumped to a conclusion. (70a)
  4. Jesus told them what they wanted to hear. (70b-71)

 The Exit

  1. Unexplainable things happened right before Jesus died. (44-46)
  2. Some disciples noticed that other onlookers had a change of heart. (47-49)
  3. A Pharisee buried Jesus. (50-53)