The Portable Pastor Podcast

Matthew 12 - Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

January 11, 2024 Mike Stafford

Blaspheming the Spirit
Matthew 12:22-32


  1. Jesus healed a demon-possessed person. (22)
  2. The people were amazed. (23)
  3. The religious leaders said that Jesus was working by the power of Satan, not the Holy Spirit. (24)
  4. Jesus explained why this could not be. (25-29)
  5. Jesus delineated between blasphemy and blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. (31)

 “Can I accidentally do this and be lost forever?” NO!

  • No one “accidently” stiff arms salvation.

 “Can I do this and lose my salvation?” NO!

  • A true Christian can't blaspheme the Holy Spirit and lose their salvation.