Celebrate The Supernatural Set-up.
Mark 15:22-47; Matthew 27:45, 51-53
The Set-Up – Mark 15:22-47
1. Jesus was offered wine with myrrh
2. Jesus was crucified.
3. Jesus was displayed with thieves.
4. The soldiers divided His clothes by casting lots.
5. Passersby wagged their heads.
6. The religious leaders mocked Jesus.
7. Darkness overcame the daylight.
8. Jesus was forsaken by the Father.
9. Friends stood at a distance
10. Jesus was placed in a borrowed tomb.
The Supernatural:
1. The darkness overcame the light.
2. God stopped breathing.
3. The temple curtain was torn.
4. An earthquake split the rocks.
5. The dead came back to life.
Celebrate The Supernatural Set-up.
Mark 15:22-47; Matthew 27:45, 51-53
The Set-Up – Mark 15:22-47
1. Jesus was offered wine with myrrh
2. Jesus was crucified.
3. Jesus was displayed with thieves.
4. The soldiers divided His clothes by casting lots.
5. Passersby wagged their heads.
6. The religious leaders mocked Jesus.
7. Darkness overcame the daylight.
8. Jesus was forsaken by the Father.
9. Friends stood at a distance
10. Jesus was placed in a borrowed tomb.
The Supernatural:
1. The darkness overcame the light.
2. God stopped breathing.
3. The temple curtain was torn.
4. An earthquake split the rocks.
5. The dead came back to life.